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Rebus Ramblers Group of Gulf Harbour and Hibiscus Mens

Would you enjoy a walk and the opportunity to chat and get to know other like - minded people better? We intend to meet every Monday at 9.00am for a walk of between one and two hours. The walks are easy at a slow pace and then we finish up with a cup of coffee.

Good healthy exercise which does not cost a cent! It’s quite social with a lot of discussions around topics of the day, so if you think you may like to give it a try, let’s have your email address and you’ll get a notification each week detailing the next walk.

To view some of the photos taken on the Rambler’s many treks around the district, scroll to the bottom of this page to see the Slideshow.

Peter Odendaal and Garth Dutton are the Rambler’s co-ordinators and can be contacted.

on either (Peter) 021 0256 6903 or email:

 (Garth) 02040060844 or email:


To view a Slide Gallery of Ramblers photos, hover cursor on either side of each pic to locate arrows to advance to next one.

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