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Membership of the Rebus Club of Gulf Harbour shall be for residents of the area known as the Whangaparaoa Peninsula and surrounding district.


(a) Honorary members may be elected at the discretion of and on such terms as may be decided by a majority of members at an ordinary meeting. Honorary members shall not be required to pay membership subscriptions, shall not be eligible to hold office and shall not be entitled to vote, but shall enjoy all other privileges of membership.


(b) Life Membership may be conferred upon a member who has rendered outstanding service to the Club. Nominations shall be submitted in writing to the Management Committee for consideration, and if approved, referred to the next general meeting of the Club where the recommendation must receive a two- thirds vote in favour from all members present. Alternatively, a poll conducted by post or electronically to ensure confidentiality, must receive a two-thirds support with non-responders treated as having cast an affirmative vote. Life Members shall not be required to pay membership subscriptions but shall enjoy all other privileges of membership.


(c) Country Member. Any member on leaving the district and wishing to keep in touch with the Club may upon request, become a Country Member. The annual subscription will be 50% of the annual subscription and will entitle the member to an electronic copy of the monthly Bulletin/Newsletter and to participate in any organized function while visiting the area.


(d) Non Active Membership may be conferred upon members who, because of illness or physical disability, have been granted leave of absence by the Club. Such members shall not be included in the member number of the Club during that period of absence.


(a) The Club shall establish a Management Committee, hereinafter called " the Committee" comprising a President, one Vice President, the Secretary, the Treasurer and such additional Committee members as may be needed to efficiently manage the various activities of the Club including programme (guest speakers), trips and entertainment, membership, Club bulletin/newsletter publicity, door prizes, kitchen supply, welfare, together with such other activities as may be decided from time to time by the Club. The immediate Past President shall be a member, ex-officio, of the Committee.

(b) The term of office of the President shall be one year, which may be extended to not more than one further consecutive year if required, due to special circumstances. Officers and Committee members may serve for not more than three successive years in any one office except as otherwise determined by the committee.

(c) A casual vacancy on the Committee shall be filled by action of the Committee. If during the course of the year, the Club shall undertake additional activities as referred to in (a) above, the Committee may appoint additional members to the Committee for the balance of that year.



(a) As required by the Constitution, the election of officers shall be held in the month of March in each year.

(b) Notice of the election of officers shall be given at a general meeting of the Club at least one month before the election.

(c) All nominations and acceptance of nominations shall be in writing and signed by the nominators and candidates and shall be in the hands of the Secretary before the commencement of the meeting at which the election is scheduled. In the event that in-sufficient nominations are received to fill the available positions, further nominations may be called for from the floor. Any positions then remaining may be filled during the year at the discretion of the Committee.

(d) A returning officer and a scrutineer, neither of whom are candidates for election, shall be appointed by the presiding officer before the election begins.

(e) Voting shall be by show of hands or by ballot as decided by the members. The candidate receiving the greatest number of votes of members present and voting in the election for each office or committee position shall be declared elected.

(f) If two candidates receive an equal number of votes, the members shall decide the method by which the tie shall be resolved.


The financial year of this Club shall begin on the 1st January and end on the 31st December.


(a) General meetings of the Club shall be held monthly at such time, place and manner as the members decide.

(b) Meetings of the Committee shall be held monthly at such time, place and manner as determined by the Committee.
(c) The Annual General Meeting shall be held in the month of March each year, at which the annual report and annual accounts will be received. In the event that a “force majeure” prevents the lawful assembly of members as would otherwise have occurred, the committee may decide that the business of the AGM can be conducted by audio, audiovisual or electronic communication means, provided all members have received at least 30 day notice electronically and/or by post, of the change of procedure.

(d) A quorum at a general meeting shall be twenty five percent of the current financial membership excluding honorary members.

(e) A quorum at meetings of Committee shall be no less than 4 persons.

(f) An extraordinary general meeting shall be called on the request in writing of not less than twenty five percent of the total financial membership, excluding honorary members. Notice of such meetings shall be given to members at least one month before the extraordinary general meeting is to be held with a statement setting out the purposes for which the meeting has been called and any motions submitted.

(g) Voting at a general meeting shall be by show of hands, or by ballot if required by a majority of members. Only financial members shall be entitled to vote.

(h) Where there is an equal division of votes at a committee meeting or a general meeting, the Chairman shall have a casting vote in addition to a deliberative vote.

(i) Voting at an AGM shall be by show of hands, or by ballot if required by a majority of members. Only financial members shall be entitled to vote. In the event that an AGM is held by audio, audiovisual or electronic communication means as set out in (c) above, the Committee shall appoint Scrutineers to record and count the votes. Any member failing to cast a vote shall be deemed to have voted in favour.

(i) The President or, in his/her absence or inability to do so, the Vice President shall preside at all meetings. In the absence of

both the President and Vice President, the members present shall elect a Chairman of the meeting.

(j) Any Notice of Motion must be submitted in writing to the Secretary and must be read to members at the meeting prior to the

meeting at which the motion is to be formally proposed.


(a) An Income and Expenditure account and Statement of Position for the twelve months to the end of December in each year shall be presented to the Annual General Meeting having been signed by the President and Treasurer. Attached thereto shall be a list of Club chattels not otherwise included in the Statement of Position. At any time during the year, not less than ten members may require that the financial affairs of the Club be examined by a suitably qualified person approved by a majority at a monthly meeting of the Club.

(b) The Treasurer shall deposit all funds of the Club in a bank, building society or other financial institution decided upon by the Committee. Signatories shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and/or such other committee member as may be agreed with any two to operate the account/s.

(c) Where transfers by Internet banking are to be made from any account established in (b) above, such transfer/s shall be approved by the Treasurer in conjunction with either the President or any other Committee or Club member as may be agreed by the Committee.

(d) In the event that the Treasurer is unavailable, Internet transfers may be authorized by the President in conjunction with the other member as appointed in (c) above.


  1. The annual subscription payable by members and the joining fee, shall be as determined at the AGM upon the recommendation of the outgoing Committee.

  2. Members joining between the 30th September and 31st December shall pay half of the standard annual subscription.

  3. Members joining between 1 January and the date of the AGM shall pay only the joining fee.

  4. The Committee may terminate the membership of any member who has not paid the prescribed subscription within three months of the Annual General Meeting.



The President or his/her nominee, should utilise the attendance register records and periodically contact members with a history of low attendance where no apology has been tendered, to ascertain the circumstances surrounding their absence and where possible, seek to encourage regular participation.



Any member who is financial for the year prior to an AGM shall be deemed to be financial for a further calendar month from the date of the AGM, irrespective of whether the new year’s subscription has been paid.



(a) These By-laws may be amended at a general meeting of the Club, a quorum being present, by the affirmative vote of not less than three-quarters of the members present voting, notice of such proposed amendment having been published to all members at least 21 days before such meeting.


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